Running USM3D (Legacy)

Memory requirements and usage of USM3D (Legacy)

The base version of USM3D requires 45 words (360 bytes) of memory per cell for an explicit scheme and 179 words (1432 bytes) of memory per cell for an implicit scheme. Although, implicit scheme requires more memory it is recommended as it is more robust for both inviscid and viscous calculations. While it is theoretically possible to perform viscous calculations using the explicit scheme, it has not been well tested and calibrated. Therefore, use of explicit scheme, if inevitable, is recommended only for inviscid calculations.

The flow solver is available to the eligible users in the object code form. The source code has been compiled on several different computer platforms to build suitable machine code. The executables have been built to perform double precision calculations for the following platforms, using FORTRAN 77 compiler unless stated otherwise.

Availability of USM3D executable for various platforms
Platform Name of the executable
CRAY T932 (FORTRAN 90) usm3d_52.t90
CRAY C-90 (FORTRAN 90) usm3d_52.c90
SGI R12000/R10000 usm3d_52.sgi
SGI R12000/R10000 (FORTRAN 90) usm3d_52.sgif90
SUN UltraSPARC(200 MHz) usm3d_52.sun
PC cluster (DEC Alpha 21264/500 MHz) usm3d_52.linux

Before beginning a run for a specific case, a user can make certain diagnostic checks pertaining to the availability of the adequate memory on the host machine and required files. The run-time memory required by the flow solver can be estimated by the following command.
The variable proj_name has to be suitably replaced by the identifying case name. -s proj_name

OR -S proj_name

A check for the existence of all the files required for the run can be made by the following command. -c proj_name

OR -C proj_name

Note that the check above is specifically designed for supporting files such as, proj_name.mapbc file and proj_name.fandm files. Other required files proj_name.cogsg and proj_name.iface must exist for this check to work satisfactorily.

To initiate a run that stores the flowfield output (for flow visualization) and a flow restart solution in files with the name proj_name.flo and proj_name.urest respectively, the following command should be given. proj_name

However, in certain situations such as a parametric study, it may be desired to direct the flowfield output and restart solution to respective files with a prefix different from that of grid files, namely, proj_name. In such situations, the following command should be given to initiate a run. proj_name flo_name

Performance on different platforms

The CPU performance of the flow solver has been assessed on several compute platforms by considering ONERA M6 wing geometry in a transonic turbulent separated flow environment. A fully viscous tetrahedral unstructured grid that resolves the viscous sublayer has been used for this purpose. The grid consists of 495,012 tetrahedral cells, 86,389 nodes, and 12,986 boundary faces. This case has been run on several computer platforms to evaluate the the time required by the solver on a per cell per iteration basis. For all the runs, the numerical solution control parameters have been held constant. The runs have been made for 1500 iterations using implicit scheme. The solver requires about 179 words (1432 bytes) of memory per cell for an implicit, viscous run in double precision. The accuracy and the convergence characteristics of the solver for this case and several other cases have been evaluated in the next chapter.

CPU performance of USM3D (base version 5.2) on various platforms for a viscous implicit scheme
Platform µsec/cell/iteration MFLOPS
CRAY T932 16.78 487
CRAY C-90 28.69 286.13
SGI R12000 171.90 47.76
SGI R10000 221.24 37.10
SUN UltraSPARC(200 MHz) 341.13 24.06
PC cluster (DEC Alpha 21264/500 MHz) 97.76 83.96

Output files

All the output files generated during a run have been summarized below. The various files and their formats have been described following the table.

A summary of output files generated during a flow analysis
File name Purpose When created? Update frequency
proj_name.flo Solution post-processing ipltqn > 0 end of a run
proj_name.urest Solution restart Always every nwrest, end of a run
hist.plt Convergence monitoring Always every iteration
tet.out input echo, grid statistics, forces and moments with
to various axis systems and components,
CPU time and
memory information
Always every iteration
temp.flo Interim solution investigation When “1” is placed in
usm3d.write file
iteration at which code finds
“1” in the usm3d.write file
cells.1storder Diagnostics: identification of cells
with pressure < pmin
idiagnos > = 0
and if any cell
pressure < pmin occurs
every iteration after pressure < pmin
for any cell
temp.vist Diagnostics: field visualization of
turbulent viscosity,
turbulent to laminar viscosity and
turbulence model variable
idiagnos > = 0 and
ivisc > = 2,
intermediate solution write using
usm3d.write file, end of a run

Diagnostics: skin-friction distribution on viscous surface

for analytically generated unstructured grid(e.g. flat plate)

idiagnos <= 2 and ivisc > 0 intermediate solution write using
usm3d.write file, end of a run

Diagnostics for minimum pressure, maximum turbulent

viscosity, average Y+

idiagnos > 0 every iteration
cells.problem Diagnostics: identification of cells with mass flux
100 times the corresponding average over the domain
idiagnos > 0 every iteration

Diagnostics: field visualization of unit volume stagnation

energy residual extrema

idiagnos > 1 end of a run

Diagnostics: skin-friction distribution on viscous surface

for VGRID-based unstructured grid

idiagnos > 2 and ivisc > 0 intermediate solution write using
usm3d.write file, end of a run
yplus.plt variation of Y+(turbulent case)
or normalized cartesian
velocities, u and w(laminar case)
across the boundary layer
nodeypl > 0 and
ivisc > 0
intermediate solution write using
usm3d.write file, end of a run


This file contains flowfield data for each grid node in the form of conserved fluid-dynamic quantities, namely, the density (density), x-momentum component (x momentum component), y-momentum component (y-momentum component), z-momentum component (z-momentum component ), and total energy (total energy). The file can be either unformatted (ipltqn = 1) or formatted (ipltqn = 2).

The unformatted file is written by:


whereas, the formatted file is written by:

        do 30 i=1,nnode
     30 continue


xmach = freestream Mach number
nnode = total number of nodes (points) in the grid
qn(i,1..5) = an array containing a vector of conserved fluid dynamic quantities for each node


This is an unformatted file. The following code snippet describes the file format.

      write(lrf) version
      write(lrf) xmach,ncell,nnode,nface,nbndr,nfbnd,nt,iordflg,
     .           nswitch
      write(lrf) ((q(nc,l),nc=1,ncell),l=1,5),
     .           ((qb(nf,l), nf=1,nfbnd),l=1,5),
     .           ((qgh(nf,l),nf=1,nfbnd),l=1,5),(rsid(n),n=1,nt),
     .           (cll(n),n=1,nt),(cdd(n),n=1,nt),(cdv(n),n=1,nt),
     .           (cmm(n),n=1,nt),(ctim(n),n=1,nt),(cfl(n),n=1,nt),
     .           (rmstnu(n),n=1,nt),(cf(n),n=1,nbndr),
     .           (factor(nc),nc=1,ncell),(dtv(nc),nc=1,ncell),
     .           (pintavg(n),n=1,4)

     .write(lrf) (tnu(nc),nc=1,ncell),(smag(nc),nc=1,ncell)
      write(lrf) bcoef,sc,cfll,ntss,ntsm,bflag,icntlim,alogres,
     .           cfl1


version = code version number
xmach = freestream Mach number
ncell = total number of tetrahedral cells in the grid
nnode = total number of nodes (points) in the grid
nface = total number of faces (triangular) in the grid
nbndr = number of boundary nodes in the grid
nfbnd = number of boundary faces (triangular) in the grid
nt = total number of iterations since the fresh run for a case
iordflg = flag indicating the global order of accuracy for the spatial discretization
nswitch = iteration at which the spatial discretization
accuracy changed from first to second order (when iorder = 0)
q(i,1..5) = an array containing a vector of conserved fluid dynamic quantities for each tetrahedral cell
qb(i,1..5) = an array containing a vector of conserved fluid dynamic quantities for each boundary face
rsid = L2-norm of the mean flow residue * ncell, at each iteration
cll,cdd,cdv,cmm = vectors of aerodynamic total lift, total drag, viscous drag, and total pitching moment respectively, at each iteration
ctim = cumulative CPU time at each iteration since the fresh run for a case
cfl = CFL number at each iteration
rmstnu = L2-norm of the turbulence flux residue * ncell, at each iteration
cf = a vector of skin-friction-magnitude for each boundary node
factor = a vector governing local accuracy of the computations for each tetrahedral cell
dtv = time-step vector for each tetrahedral cell
pintavg = a vector of average intake pressure for
each engine
tnu = a vector of the primary variable in Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model equation for each tetrahedral cell
smag = a vector of vorticity magnitude for each tetrahedral cell
= variables related to various algorithmic implementations inside the code


The format of a portion of the history file is shown below. Note that the header statements have been omitted for the sake of brevity.

      do 35 k=1,nt
      write(75,1) k,rsidn,cll(k),cdd(k),cdv(k),cmm(k),cfl(k),rsidt
35    continue
1     format(i8,7(e14.6))


nt = instantaneous total of the number of iterations
rsidn = Log10[rsid(k)/rsid(1)],
where rsid is the L2-norm of the mean
flow residue
cll,cdd,cdv,cmm = aerodynamic total lift,
total drag, viscous drag, and total
pitching moment respectively, at
each iteration
rsidt = Log10[rmstnu(k)/rmstnu(1)],
where rmstnu is the L2-norm of the
turbulence flux residue


This file contains several strands of information related to a run. Therefore, the representative contents of this file have been shown first.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *   VERSION 5.2 :  Configuration Aerodynamics Branch, MS 499            * *
 * *                  NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA            * *
 * *                  January 2000.                                        * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *   THE NEW FEATURES DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED BY:                      * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *   DR. NEAL T. FRINK                                                   * *
 * *   NASA LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER                                        * *
 * *   Configurations Aerodynamics Branch, MS 499                          * *
 * *   Aerodynamics Competency                                             * *
 * *   Hampton, VA  23681-0001                                             * *
 * *   phone:  (757) 864-2864                                              * *
 * *   FAX:    (757) 864-8469                                              * *
 * *   email:                                     * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *   AND                                                                 * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *   DR. MOHAGNA J. PANDYA                                               * *
 * *   PARAGON RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC.                                   * *
 * *   28 Research Drive                                                   * *
 * *   Hampton, VA 23666                                                   * *
 * *   phone:  (757) 766-8695                                              * *
 * *   FAX:    (757) 766-9323                                              * *
 * *   email:                                 * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * *                PLEASE REPORT ALL PROBLEMS.                            * *
 * *                                                                       * *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1USM3D (v5.2 Export) - Flat plate Turbulent BL Y+node=80.0

      Mach     alpha      beta      ReUe   Tinf,dR    itwall   Tw/Tinf    ipwall
   0.50000   0.00000   0.00000 0.200E+07 518.68800         0   1.05000         1
      sref      cref      bref       xmc       ymc       zmc
   1.00000   1.00000   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
      impl   dt/cfl1     iramp      clf2    cflmin    GS_tol
         1    -10.00        40    200.00      5.00   0.00000
     irest    mstage   iresmth     dqmax    pbreak      pmin   limiter
         0         3         1   0.25000   0.01000   0.00100   0.00000
   nupdate    nwrest    ipltqn  idiagnos   nodeypl
        10       300         2         2       969
    iorder  lapl-avg   high-bc      ifds     ivisc    ev_lim
         0         2         1         1         3     0.100
      ncyc  nengines   compF&M     cldes
      3000         0         0         0
 Allocated  16.18 MB of Memory
 caution: coloring scheme skipped
  nbcolor=           1
  ntcolor=           2

Volume Extrema:  Minimum=    0.33181E-08   Cell=      5274
                 Maximum=    0.39882E-05   Cell=     10086

 Initializing "tnu" to    1.341946000000000
 Grid characteristics:   ncell =  10368
                         nnode =   2793
                         nface =  22728
                         nbndr =   1994
                         nfbnd =   3984

 Automated differencing . . .
   First order
Iter    RMS resid.     LOG(R/R0)           CL             CM          CPU SECS.

 Updated time step . . .
    1   0.395239E-05   0.000000E+00  -0.217122E-06   0.759414E-07   0.186339E+01
 Updated time step . . .
    2   0.393131E-05  -0.232263E-02  -0.754503E-06   0.263045E-06   0.360000E+01
 Updated time step . . .
    3   0.390963E-05  -0.472407E-02  -0.154461E-05   0.534991E-06   0.533616E+01
 Updated time step . . .
    4   0.388859E-05  -0.706714E-02  -0.242079E-05   0.829564E-06   0.707147E+01
 Updated time step . . .
    5   0.386778E-05  -0.939723E-02  -0.320627E-05   0.108105E-05   0.880593E+01
 Updated time step . . .
    6   0.384633E-05  -0.118129E-01  -0.437911E-05   0.144174E-05   0.105545E+02
 Updated time step . . .
    7   0.381635E-05  -0.152113E-01  -0.510503E-05   0.163347E-05   0.123022E+02
 Updated time step . . .
    8   0.378103E-05  -0.192490E-01  -0.553025E-05   0.170987E-05   0.140500E+02
 Updated time step . . .
    9   0.374249E-05  -0.236989E-01  -0.577415E-05   0.171516E-05   0.157976E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   10   0.370200E-05  -0.284232E-01  -0.592015E-05   0.167974E-05   0.175455E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   11   0.366064E-05  -0.333022E-01  -0.601178E-05   0.161874E-05   0.192936E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   12   0.361914E-05  -0.382540E-01  -0.606753E-05   0.153790E-05   0.210430E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   13   0.357797E-05  -0.432230E-01  -0.609454E-05   0.143901E-05   0.227912E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   14   0.353743E-05  -0.481716E-01  -0.609671E-05   0.132303E-05   0.245414E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   15   0.349772E-05  -0.530744E-01  -0.607798E-05   0.119131E-05   0.262900E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   16   0.345895E-05  -0.579157E-01  -0.604313E-05   0.104576E-05   0.280374E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   17   0.342116E-05  -0.626860E-01  -0.599763E-05   0.888880E-06   0.297853E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   18   0.338439E-05  -0.673793E-01  -0.594733E-05   0.723628E-06   0.315326E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   19   0.334864E-05  -0.719912E-01  -0.589806E-05   0.553283E-06   0.332804E+02
 Updated time step . . .
   20   0.331392E-05  -0.765179E-01  -0.585525E-05   0.381273E-06   0.350285E+02
   21   0.328022E-05  -0.809559E-01  -0.582338E-05   0.210914E-06   0.367272E+02
   22   0.324756E-05  -0.853025E-01  -0.580568E-05   0.450908E-07   0.384257E+02
   23   0.321591E-05  -0.895559E-01  -0.580415E-05  -0.113944E-06   0.401241E+02
   24   0.318525E-05  -0.937154E-01  -0.581971E-05  -0.264720E-06   0.418229E+02
   25   0.315558E-05  -0.977808E-01  -0.585242E-05  -0.406644E-06   0.435215E+02
   26   0.312685E-05  -0.101752E+00  -0.590140E-05  -0.540048E-06   0.452197E+02
   27   0.309904E-05  -0.105632E+00  -0.596469E-05  -0.666143E-06   0.469183E+02
   28   0.307210E-05  -0.109425E+00  -0.603928E-05  -0.786790E-06   0.486174E+02
   29   0.304598E-05  -0.113133E+00  -0.612149E-05  -0.904041E-06   0.503169E+02
   30   0.302064E-05  -0.116760E+00  -0.620797E-05  -0.101972E-05   0.520657E+02
   31   0.299606E-05  -0.120309E+00  -0.629483E-05  -0.113498E-05   0.537645E+02
  ...       ...            ...            ...            ...             ...
  ...       ...            ...            ...            ...             ...
  295   0.398805E-06  -0.996099E+00   0.127374E-03  -0.633313E-04   0.503279E+03
  296   0.396870E-06  -0.998211E+00   0.127539E-03  -0.634247E-04   0.504976E+03
  297   0.394951E-06  -0.100032E+01   0.127703E-03  -0.635182E-04   0.506674E+03
 Switching to higher-order differencing . . .
 ---No limiter applied---
  298   0.778195E-05   0.294229E+00   0.177054E-03  -0.815376E-04   0.508408E+03
  299   0.326283E-05  -0.832644E-01   0.130151E-03  -0.643720E-04   0.510118E+03
 Updated time step . . .
  300   0.267567E-05  -0.169428E+00   0.120911E-03  -0.605827E-04   0.511876E+03
Writing version 5.2 restart file for unstructured solution
  ...       ...            ...            ...            ...             ...
  ...       ...            ...            ...            ...             ...
 3000   0.163320E-10  -0.538382E+01   0.114179E-03  -0.637174E-04   0.513941E+04
Writing version 5.2 restart file for unstructured solution
Writing version 5.2 restart file for unstructured solution

 FORCES integrated over          136 boundary faces:
   (Integrated surface contains          105 nodes.)

 B O D Y   A X I S   C O E F F I C I E N T S:
      C_X, C_Y, C_Z, Cm_X, Cm_Y, Cm_Z:

  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.11418E-03 -0.22836E-05 -0.63717E-04  0.00000E+00

  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12  0.23593E-22 -0.47185E-24 -0.69158E-23  0.28742E-05

  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12  0.11418E-03 -0.22836E-05 -0.63717E-04  0.28742E-05

 S T A B I L I T Y   A X I S   C O E F F I C I E N T S:
        CLs ,CDs ,CYs , Cpitchs, Crolls, Cyaws:

  0.11418E-03  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00 -0.63717E-04 -0.22836E-05  0.00000E+00

  0.23593E-22  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12 -0.69158E-23 -0.47185E-24  0.28742E-05

  0.11418E-03  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12 -0.63717E-04 -0.22836E-05  0.28742E-05

 W I N D   A X I S   C O E F F I C I E N T S:
   CLw ,CDw ,CYw , Cpitchw, Crollw, Cyaww:

  0.11418E-03  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00 -0.63717E-04 -0.22836E-05  0.00000E+00

  0.23593E-22  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12 -0.69158E-23 -0.47185E-24  0.28742E-05

  0.11418E-03  0.14371E-03  0.16737E-12 -0.63717E-04 -0.22836E-05  0.28742E-05

     CYCLE            RESIDUAL              RESIDUAL

      3000           0.1633E-10           0.4132E-05


     Maximum:  0.1003E+01        Cell:        5269
     Minimum:  0.9809E+00        Cell:         284


     Maximum:  0.7178E+00        Cell:        5269
     Minimum:  0.7121E+00        Cell:        5318


     Maximum:  0.1019E+01        Cell:         284
     Minimum:  0.9991E+00        Cell:        5893


     Maximum:  0.1026E+01        Cell:         284
     Minimum:  0.9997E+00        Cell:        5893


     Maximum:  0.2083E+03        Cell:        5322
     Minimum:  0.1404E-05        Cell:        9510

     OVERHEAD TIME   :   0.4434E+00 sec.
     TOTAL CYCLE TIME:   0.5139E+04 sec.
     TIME PER CYCLE  :   0.1713E+01 sec.
     TIME PER CELL   :   0.1652E-03 sec.

     TOTAL MEMORY:     2128328 words
     Words/Cell  :   205

     CPU TIME =  0.5140E+04

Note that the contents correspond to a fresh run (starting from the freestream initialization). For this case, the quantities such as flow residue, aerodynamic lift, drag and pitching moment etc. are written on this file at every iteration. For a restart run, this file provides the snapshots of the variation of these quantities in previous runs of this case by detailing their values for the first 19 iterations and subsequently for every iteration in the multiple of the hundred. The format statement for writing these quantities is shown below.

      write(lw,100) nt,rms,alogres,cll(nt),cmm(nt),ctim(nt)
  100 format(i5,5e15.6)


nt = instantaneous total of the number of iterations completed
rsid = L2-norm of the mean flow residue * ncell
rsidn = Log10[rsid(k)/rsid(1)],
cll,cmm = aerodynamic total lift, and total pitching moment respectively, at each iteration
ctim = Total CPU time consumed until the current iteration


The output and the format of this file are identical to that of a proj_name.flo file.


USM3Dns searches for the cells whose pressure has fallen below a user-defined pressure level pmin and tags them. The search process is performed at every iteration and if the tagged cells are found, the cell index and the corresponding cell centered pressure value of such cells are written on the presently considered file. To improve the robustness, USM3Dns locally reduces the tagged cells to first-order spatial accuracy while maintaining the overall global computations with higher-order spatial accuracy. These tagged cells remain tagged until a solution is restarted with pmin < 0. This file is written with the statements shown below.

      WRITE(88,*) '1st-ORDER CELLS WITH P<PMIN=',pminimum
      else if(iorder.eq.2)then
      WRITE(88,*) 'CELLS WITH P<PMIN=',pminimum,
     .              ' REDUCED TO 1st ORDER IN FDS'
      end if
      do 600 i=1,ncell
      if(factor(i).eq.0) WRITE(88,888) i, q(i,5)
  600 continue
  888 format(i10, e20.5)


iorder = flag that controls the global accuracy of the computations
pminimum = user-specified minimum pressure threshold, pmin
ncell = total number of tetrahedral cells in the grid
factor = a vector governing local accuracy of the computations for each tetrahedral cell
q(i,5) = local pressure at a tetrahedral cell center


This is a formatted file that is written out only for a viscous turbulent case. It mimics the structure of a flow file that has last five columns (columns 2-6) that contain the values of density, x-, y-, z-momentum components and the total energy. However, in the present file the three momentum components (columns 3-5) are substituted with the three quantities, namely, turbulent viscosity, ratio of turbulent to laminar viscosity, and the primary variable of the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. Whereas, columns 2 and 6 (columns containing the density and total energy in the flow file) both contain a variable set to unity. The specific structure of the file facilitates use of any post-processing code in analyzing the variations of the turbulence quantities mentioned above, provided that these quantities are treated as cartesian velocity components while using the post-processing code. The format of this file is as shown below.

      write(77,*) xmach
      do 6 i=1,nnode
      write(77,777) i,rone,vist,chifv1,tnun(i),rone
  777 format(i8, f5.0, 3e15.7, f5.0)


xmach = freestream Mach number
nnode = total number of nodes (points) in the grid
rone = 1.
vist = turbulent viscosity(vist) at a grid node
chifv1 = ratio of turbulent-to-laminar viscosity (turbulent-to-laminar viscosity) at a grid node
tnun = primary variable of Spalart-Allmaras model (tnun) at a grid node


This file contains information for all the grid nodes on the viscous patches (so called viscous nodes) only. The file format is shown below.

      write(78,*)'#  X, Y, Z, CF, YPLUS'
      do 8 i=1,ntwo
        write(78,178) nb,xnd(nb),ynd(nb),znd(nb),cfx,yplus(nb)
    8 continue
  178 format(i8,3e14.6,2e15.7)


ntwo = total number of viscous nodes
xnd,ynd,znd = cartesian coordinates triple at a
viscous node
cfx = x-component of the local skin-friction coefficient
at a viscous node
yplus = Y+ of the very first node on the normal drawn from a viscous surface node


The format of a portion of this file is shown below. Note that the file header statements have been omitted for the sake of brevity.

      if(ivisc .eq. 0 .or. ivisc .eq. 1)then
      write(81,4) nt,cpmin,icpmin,nfirst
   4  format(i6,2x,e11.4,i10,2x,i10)
      write(81,1) nt,cpmin,icpmin,nfirst,vmax,ayplusn, ayplusc
   1  format(i6,2x,e11.4,i10,2x,i10,4x,e11.5,2f8.1)


nt = current iteration number
cpmin = minimum cell-centered pressure in an
entire computational domain at any iteration
icpmin = index of the cell with the minimum pressure
at any iteration
nfirst = total number of tagged cells whose pressure
has fallen below a user-specified minimum
pressure threshold, pmin, at any
instance during a run.
vmax = maximum cell-centered turbulent viscosity
(vmax equation)
at any iteration
ayplusn = average Y+of all the
immediate grid nodes off a viscous surface
ayplusc = average Y+of all the
cells around a viscous surface

Note that the last two quantities above are computed only for a wall function -based flow analysis. For a case that fully resolves the sub-layer (full viscous grid), these quantities are not computed by the code presently, and the output file will print their values as zero.


This file lists all the cells whose mass flux residual magnitude (per unit cell volume) is two-orders-of-magnitude greater than the corresponding average over the entire computational domain. These cells can be plotted with a graphic analysis tool such as ViGPLOT or FAST, to identify a trouble spot in a computational domain.

     .              ' THAN 100-TIMES THE AVERAGE,  cycle=',nt
         write(88,*)'Cell      log(r/r_avg)'
         do 30 i=1,ncell
         if(    write(88,601) i, rcell
   30    continue
  601    format(i10,f10.3)


ncell = total number of tetrahedral cells in the grid
rcell = rcell equation
rcell = index of a cell with rcell >= 2


This is a formatted file. It mimics the structure of a flow file that has last five columns (columns 2-6) that contain the values of density, x-, y-, z-momentum components and the total energy. However, in the present file the three momentum components (columns 3-5) are substituted with the three quantities, namely, absolute maximum, maximum and minimum values of the cell total energy residual error per unit volume. These extrema for a node are chosen locally from all the cells surrounding that specific node as shown in the sketch below.

Sketch showing extrema for a node are chosen locally from all the cells surrounding that specific node

Whereas, columns 2 and 6 (columns containing the density and total energy in the flow file) both contain a variable set to unity. The specific structure of the file facilitates use of any post-processing code in analyzing the variations of the quantities mentioned above. For example, one can plot the iso-surface of “u-velocity” and visually locate the pockets of large residual error. The format of this file is as shown below.

      write(79,*) xmach
      do 63 i=1,nnode
   63 write(79,630) i,rone,resE1,resE2,resE3,rone
  630 format(i8, f8.2, 3e15.7, f8.2)


xmach = freestream Mach number
nnode = total number of nodes (points) in the grid
rone = 1.
resE1 = rese1 equation
resE2 = rese2 equation
resE3 = rese3 equation


This is a formatted file. It mimics the structure of a flow file that has last five columns (columns 2-6) that contain the values
of density, x-, y-, z-momentum components and the total energy. However, in the present file the three momentum components (columns 3-5) are substituted with the three quantities, namely, skin-friction coefficient in both x (streamwise) and y (spanwise) directions as well as Y+ of the node that is immediately adjacent to the surface node under consideration and lies on the normal drawn from it. Note that these quantities are relevant only for the surface nodes lying on the viscous patches. The corresponding quantities for interior nodes have been fixed to an arbitrarily chosen values and written on the file to constitute a flow-like file. One can study the skin-friction distribution on any arbitrary cross-section of the geometry by using the post-processing code, usgutil. The format of this file is as shown below.

      write(78,*) xmach
      do 98 n = 1,nnode
        write(78,*) n,rone,cfx,cfy,ypl,rone
98    continue


xmach = freestream Mach number
nnode = total number of nodes (points) in the grid
cfx,cfy = x and y components respectively, of
local skin-friction coefficient for a surface node
(arbitrary value of 1000 for an interior node)
ypl = Y+ of the node that is immediate adjacent to the surface node n and
on lies on the normal drawn from it. (arbitrary value of 1000 for an interior node) rone = 1.


This file provides a distribution of certain boundary layer quantities of interest along a normal drawn from the viscous surface node, nodeypl. The specific quantities written out on this file (illustrated below) depend on whether a run corresponds to a laminar or a turbulent flow. The file output is mainly useful for accessing the accuracy of the solver and adequacy of a grid for simpler geometries such as a flat plate boundary layer. The format of a portion of this file is shown below. Note that the file header statements have been omitted for the sake of brevity.

      do 40 i=2,20
      WRITE(74,200) yp,up,dplus,qm,n1
   40 continue
  200 format(4e15.7, i10)

where, for a turbulent flow analysis case:

n1 = grid node index of an interior node inside the
boundary layer that lies on a normal drawn from
the viscous surface node, nodeypl
yp,up = Y+ and U+ respectively,
of the node under consideration
dplus = distance (dimensional) of the node under
from the viscous surface node, nodeypl
qm = Velocity magnitude at the node under consideration

and for a laminar flow analysis case:

n1 = grid node index of an interior node inside the
boundary layer that lies on a normal drawn from
the viscous surface node, nodeypl
yp = non-dimensional distance non-dimensional node distance equation , of the node under
consideration from the viscous
surface node, nodeypl
up,dplus = up equation, and dplus equation at the node under consideration
qm = Velocity magnitude, qm equation at the node under

Special features

Compatibility of proj_name.mapbc and proj_name.inpt files:

At the beginning of the run, the flow solver automatically checks for the consistency between the flow analysis option, ivisc selected and the type of boundary condition specified for the boundary patches. Therefore, if a user has selected inviscid flow analysis option (ivisc = 0) but the proj_name.mapbc file contains a patch with a viscous boundary condition (boundary condition type 4), then the flow solver detects this inconsistency and terminates the run and writes a message on tet.out fileas shown below.

write(lw,*)’STOP: “.mapbc” file not compatible ‘
write(lw,*)’Change appropriate wall BC to inviscid’

The flow solver also alerts a user if it finds that the user has selected viscous flow analysis option (ivisc > 0) but the proj_name.mapbc file contains a patch with an inviscid boundary condition (boundary condition type 5). However, it does not terminate the run. The warning message is written out on the tet.out file prior to initiating the time integration loop and it is shown below.

write(lw,*)’WARNING: “.mapbc” file may not be compatible ‘
write(lw,*)’May have inviscid b.c. when you want viscous

Converged solution for a desired lift:

The flow solver has a feedback algorithm for obtaining a converged flow solution for a desired lift coefficient by perturbing the user specified freestream angle-of-attack. This feature can be invoked by specifying the desired lift coefficient as an input parameter cldes. Additionally, a user is also required to provide the correct values of the reference chord length cref and the reference span (half-span for a half configuration geometry) bref. Before entering the feedback loop, the flow solver uses the input-specified angle-of-attack and stabilizes the flow such that the flow residual errors drop by one-and-a half order of magnitude compared to their initial value. Once in the feedback loop, the flow solver adjusts the angle-of-attack at every iteration to yield a desired lift coefficient within the tolerance of 0.001. The adjustment of the angle-of-attack is based on a lift curve slope:

adjustment of the angle-of-attack is based on a lift curve slope equation   where, AR = Aspect ratio
When an angle-of-attack is adjusted the flow solver automatically reorients the freestream velocity vector and writes the new angle-of-attack value on the tet.out file as shown below.

WRITE(lw,*) ‘Adjusting alpha to ‘,alpha*57.2958e0

Note that this loop is activated only for a non-zero value of cldes.

Monitoring and stopping the run execution:

The flow solver updates the files, hist.plt and tet.out at every iteration to relay the information related to the case convergence to a user. It also has a provision to prematurely stop a run before the the number of cycles ncyc, specified at the beginning of a run, are completed. Before stopping a run, the flow solver writes all the relevant output files including the solution restart file and the flow visualization file. This feature can be invoked by creating a file named as usm3d.stop with an entry of “1”. The file must be in the same directory from where the run execution command was given. The flow solver checks for the existence of the file and the entry of “1” in it at every iteration and if the check is positive, stops the run immediately. This feature is helpful for a case that may be gradually diverging. In such circumstances, user may want to interrupt the run, analyze the flow results and identify the cause of the convergence difficulty.

Writing output files without stopping run execution:

In addition to interrupting a run using the usm3d.stop file, the flow solver also allows for writing an intermediate output without stopping the run. This feature can be activated by creating a file named as usm3d.write with an entry of “1”. The file must be in the the same directory from where the run execution command was given. The flow solver checks for the existence of the file and the entry of “1” in it at every iteration and if the check is positive, writes out intermediate output. The flow file temp.flo is always created. Other output files such as, temp.vist, temp.cfyplus, and yplus.plt may also be generated subject to the input parameters specified by a user.